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Saint James's Guide


​​On Saturday 16th November, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. 
"And the people of Nineveh believed in God; they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least…God saw their efforts to renounce their evil ways. And God relented about the disaster which He had threatened to bring on them, and He did not bring it." (Jonah 3:5,10) Please Invite others to join the day on Facebook,

Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
St James Spanish Place Volunteers Needed. 

We are happy to invite you to join us on Tuesdays and Fridays from 5:45 PM to prepare sandwiches and refreshments for our guests. We also collect and organise food from local cafés throughout the evenings which we then take to Lincoln's Inn Fields to distribute to an orderly queue of clients. 
Participants often tell us how stimulating and interesting an evening with our guests makes them feel. We have students from the local French school who come to get experience in our community. Come practise your French, exchange ideas and make friends. 
Questions? WhatsApp/Text: 07814 510991.

From 9th to 24th May 2025 the Marian Apostles group is organising a 
pilgrimage to seven Marian Shrines including Paray-le-Monial, Provence,
Tours, Mont St Michel, home of St Dominic. 

Led by Fr Thomas Crean, OP with the Marian Franciscan Sisters. 
For more details contact Annabelle on 07733 223903.



20 to 25 October 2025 - Jubilee Year
It will include visits to the four major basilicas, each of which will have a Holy Door for Jubilee pilgrims, as well as the two English seminaries, the Vatican, the Catacombs and the English College summer residence on Lake Albano, and much more besides. The cost is likely to be £1595 per person (sharing a bedroom) or £1895 per person (single, with limited availability). Those interested in coming are asked to hand in their names to the parish office. Go to events to find out more!


​​The Legion of Mary meets once a week, usually on Tuesday after the 6pm Mass in the rectory, and is always on the lookout for new members.

The children’s liturgy takes place on Sunday afternoons during the 4 pm Mass (during Term time).


Do ask at the Parish Office for a Parishioner Registration Form if you would like to offer your services to the parish in any way. The parish office is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am until 5 pm.


A reminder that the toilet facilities in the crypt are best accessed via the staircase on the Blandford Street side of the church, leading as it does directly to the Disabled facilities - where Baby changing facilities can be found - and the corridor on which the other cloakrooms are located.


Safeguarding is an important and indeed crucial part of the life we share as a parish. It is a fundamental of human justice that the dignity of every person - most especially the young and the vulnerable - should never be compromised. Denise Hines co-ordinates our parochial safeguarding and her contact details ( or on 07597 190301) are on the notice board in the George Street porch should any concerns be felt: we are grateful for Denise’s time given to this role.

The Repository & Information Desk is open on weekdays from 11.00am to 12.30am then on Saturdays from 3.45pm to 4.45pm and Sundays from 9.45am to 10.30am, 11.30am to 1pm and 3pm to 4pm. Volunteers are always welcome!


If you can help the parish either by a one-off donation or by a commitment to regular giving, it would be greatly appreciated. More information from the parish office or use the bank details as set out below:-

HSBC 69 Pall Mall

London SW1Y 5EY

Sort code: 40-05-20

Account no: 91094394

WRCDT St James Spanish Place


The Solemn (Latin) Mass with the choir is streamed each Sunday at 10.30am, as is the 6pm Mass (Monday-Saturday) together with Holy Hour on Saturday (4.45-5.45pm). Services are live-streamed here.

We have “digital collection plates” in locations around the church. Donations of any amount using contact-less or chip and pin (and directed to specific areas of choice) can be made. You can also make a Gift Aided Donation by clicking here.

Subscribe Form

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St James's Roman Catholic Church

22 George Street

London, W1U3QY

England, UK

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